
Jeff Sieh

Jeff is an international speaker and visual marketing consultant. He hosts the Social Media News Live show and podcast and is also the editor for Guy Kawasaki's Remarkable People Podcast. He is also "Head Beard" at Manly Pinterest Tips.

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You’re good enough, you're smart enough, and gosh darn-it, people like you

Howdy Reader! I’ve just recently come up for a quick breath of air in the midst of a chaotic whirlpool of travel. From speaking at in-person conferences, virtual events, and a European wedding, October is gearing up to be quite a doozy. But you know what… I’m grateful. My friend Rich Watts posted something a while back. I’d seen the quote before, but somehow, it never resonated with me until he posted it. ”Pressure is a privilege” Sure, travel can be stressful. But there are people who I have...

Howdy Reader! Quick question for ya. Do you still trust the written word? Actually this isn’t a new thing. People through out the ages have come up with ways to verify the authenticity of the written word. From secret folding techniques to hidden messages, there have been countless different schemes to verify credibility. One of the most recognizable is the wax seal. Clay seals used for sealing documents can be traced back to ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt. A wax seal was used to ensure that...

Howdy Reader! Quick question... How do you like to recharge your creativity? Shoot me an email; I’d really like to know. When you’re reading this, I’ll probably be sleeping off a Dole-Whip hangover from a day in the Disney Parks. Abs and I are getting ready to hang out with Lou Mongello and friends for his always awesome Momentum event. We got here a little early to do some work and also recharge a bit in one of our favorite places. We hung out with the Unsinkable Conor Brown (frequent...

Howdy Reader!Are you one of the lucky ones getting a new iPhone today? Did you get up early on the pre-order day and rush to give Apple your hard-earned money? Maybe you're reading this email, sitting, waiting by the window, hoping to see that beautiful brown and gold sleigh full of adults' wishes and dreams. Also called the UPS truck. I'm not judging. Wait...was that the doorbell? I get it. As creators, we love getting new toys to help us create content. But do we use them to their full...

Howdy Reader! Today’s email is “a day late and a dollar short,” as my pappy would say. Lots of things are happening in the mancave this week, and time got away from me. Today I wanted to share a some training I was blessed to be able to do with my friends over at Social Media Examiner. I mentioned in a past email that Michael Stelzner was interviewing me for his AI Explored podcast. Well, the video dropped this week, but if you're not into looking at a big, bearded geek, you can read the...

Howdy Reader! That’s right! It’s almost time! It’s almost time for the drawing for the FREE ticket winner to Ecamm’s Creator Camp! Make sure to read to the end of even more entry goodness. I’m super excited about this show today. Little hint… It’s all about creating images with AI. I’ve always loved visual marketing, motion design, videography, and anything that tells a story with images. But with limited artistic talent, I’ve struggled to put what I’ve seen in my head down on paper or on a...

Howdy Reader! Last week, I was super excited about an event I’m doing in Manchester, Great Britain, called The Entrepreneur’s Traveling Circus—Brit and the Beard Edition. But do you know what the difference between a circus and a carnival is? The wild ride of the circus kicks off in 1768 with Philip Astley and his wife, Patty, opening Astley’s Riding School in London. It started by the couple showing off some seriously impressive horseback stunts in a circular ring. Now, trick riding wasn’t...

Hey Reader! Do you remember being super jealous of something when you were a kid? Man, I do. I was really getting into computers at school (Apple IIe, anyone?), and my friend Nick had a Commodore VIC-20! I used to go over to his house and play Jupiter Lander and I wanted one so bad! We could only afford a Timex-Sinclair 1000, where you loaded programs over a regular cassette tape player. It was fun but nothing like the shiny plastic of the Commodore! I thought everyone was into computers. I...

Howdy Reader! Did you ever go to the circus as a kid? I sure did. I fondly remember seeing the Ringling Bros. and Branum & Bailey Circus as a wee lad. We even had smaller circuses show up from time to time in our small town in Kansas. There was always a feeling of excitement when you would go into the circus arena or, in the case of a smaller traveling one, inside the big top, where all the action took place. Ok, Jeff, that’s great…you love circuses. What’s the big announcement? I’m excited...

Howdy Reader! I don’t know about you, but sometimes I overthink things. Like: Should I throw some money behind this piece of content that’s performing well? Does this course give me information that I’ll use, or am I imagining an “easy” button? Should I get fries with that? As creators, it’s easy to get into “analysis paralysis.” Or, as my Pappy used to say, “vapor-lock.” I actually don’t know what that means…I think it’s an automotive term. But he ALSO believed Vicks Vapor Rub could cure...