You’re good enough, you're smart enough, and gosh darn-it, people like you

Howdy Reader!

I’ve just recently come up for a quick breath of air in the midst of a chaotic whirlpool of travel.

From speaking at in-person conferences, virtual events, and a European wedding, October is gearing up to be quite a doozy.

But you know what…

I’m grateful.

My friend Rich Watts posted something a while back. I’d seen the quote before, but somehow, it never resonated with me until he posted it.

”Pressure is a privilege”

Sure, travel can be stressful. But there are people who I have grown up with who have never left the state they were born in. I’m extremely blessed to have a business that allows me the flexibility of travel.

Actually, if you're reading this on some sort of electronic doohickey, you’re probably better off than 75% of the world.

After driving back from Florida, seeing some of the devastation from Helene. It really does put things in perspective.

And after speaking at Momentum (a fabulous event that I need to see you at next year) and heading next week to Ecamm’s equally wonderful Creator Camp, I continue to be reminded, that it’s connections with people that really matter.

So, I’m grateful for you.

Grateful that you took the time to open this email, and read some musings from a hirsute dude each week.

As creators, let us cultivate a grateful heart. I think it makes us more creative and also just better people.

See ya around the interwebs,


P.S. I’d love to hear back from you! What’s something you’re grateful for this week? It could be creator-related or not. I’d just love to hear from you.

Jeff Sieh

Jeff is an international speaker and visual marketing consultant. He hosts the Social Media News Live show and podcast and is also the editor for Guy Kawasaki's Remarkable People Podcast. He is also "Head Beard" at Manly Pinterest Tips.

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